Help me, I'm Lost.

Dear Friends,

I'm concerned about my viewing of LOST. It has gotten to the point where I think about the show when it's not on. This is just not something that happens with me and tv. But it's happening. For starters, "How can I go to sleep now...What will happen next?" and "Hm, who can lend me Season 2?". And of course now I've got the "I wonder if my plane crashed what people would find useful in my luggage?" ( answer: an assortment of cute black shirts and comfy socks. a reject-able manuscript or two. yes, this answer troubles me. now when i travel, i know i'll find myself packing for the future of humanity. "what do you mean i don't need a transceiver to go to San Francisco?")

I wonder if I was on LOST if I'd be in the cool clique or if I'd be one of the other 35 people hanging out in the background. (Seriously, what are they doing the whole time?) I wonder if I'd have the guts to go into the jungle given my aforementioned fear of the dark. I wonder if I'd eat boar, because the thought kinda disgusts me. And I wonder what my troublesome back story would be.

and of course there's the all-important

"So if i was on the island would I like Jack or Sawyer?"

I know... not easy, right? Sawyer is the front-runner right now (bad boy renegade cowboy with the great dimples, verbal sparring technique and the ability to horde supplies while keeping an incredible calm in the chaos) when I know I should like Jack (the savior and Alpha male, not to mention the stable doctor, with notably questionable taste in tattoos).

So torn. Jack is establishing a commune and selflessly gives of himself all day every day (to the point of exhaustion, dear readers, does he not?). But then again Sawyer looks so cute in his new glasses. I mean, the man stole "Watership Down" from Boone's luggage to read in his recliner while everyone else is putzing around the island collecting firewood and water and that other useless shit, you know? A man after my own heart.

See what I mean? So. not. normal.

Thanks for your attention to this matter,
-the management

ps. Only on Season One. I plan to watch Season 2 within the next week. Don't call me, I'll call you.


Anonymous said...

Quick, season 3 resumes February 7th! You gotta catch up!